Medium — Mi predicción para el 2019 en términos de tecnología

Medium — Mi predicción para el 2019 en términos de tecnología

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Mi predicción para el 2019 en términos de tecnología.

In my article titled "Mi predicción para el 2019 en términos de tecnología," published on January 15, 2019, on Medium, I, Rashid Azarang, delve into the future of technology and its impact on work culture. The main focus of the article is the anticipated rise in remote work.

Key Predictions:

  • Broader Definition of Technology: I emphasize that technology is not limited to digital or cybernetic tools but includes any tool that simplifies processes or produces desired results.
  • Shift Towards Remote Work: A significant shift towards remote work is predicted, where more individuals will opt for freelance or home-office roles. The concept of remote work or teams will be widely accepted for its economic, practical, efficient, and scalable benefits.
  • Use of Digital Platforms: It's predicted that most people will use platforms like PayPal, Workana, or UpWork for offering services or hiring remote workers.
  • Remote Work as the Norm: The article foresees remote work becoming the standard, with most businesses looking to incorporate remote personnel in their work processes.
  • Other Technological Trends: While advancements in areas like cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality will continue, they are considered less impactful compared to the societal adaptation to remote work.

The article provides insights into the evolving landscape of work and technology, highlighting the growing significance of remote work in the global economy.

Read the full article here.