Content Database

Lección de Política de Dinamarca

September 8, 2023
The Tale of Tinkerbell

September 9, 2023
Exploring First Principles: The Foundation of Original Thought

First principles thinking involves breaking down complex problems into their fundamental components and reconstructing them from the ground up, promoting original thought and innovative solutions. Read more →

August 14, 2023
Multiple Perspectives Create a Better Picture

Looking at a subject from multiple perspectives can lead to a more comprehensive understanding. This idea has been recognized since ancient times and continues to be relevant today. Examples include Aristotle's concept of describing things in multiple ways, Richard Feynman's observation that good physicists keep multiple theoretical representations of the same physics in their heads, and the human brain's embodiment of multiple perspectives. In modern technology, the collaboration of multiple AI systems reflects the complexity of human cognition and shows how ancient wisdom can be applied in new ways.

Artificial intelligence
August 11, 2023
Goal Alignment with AI

The article explores the concept of Goal Alignment and how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can offer a groundbreaking approach to attaining it. By leveraging algorithms, scientific evidence, and real-time data, AI can create a personalized and dynamic roadmap towards Goal Alignment. The integration of AI in attaining Goal Alignment represents a revolution in our understanding of existence, empowering us to live a more aligned and fulfilling life.

Artificial intelligence
August 16, 2023
AI in Classrooms: Problem or Solution?

Artificial intelligence
July 19, 2023
Top 2023 Software Industry Reports: A Curated Collection for Insightful Learning

July 19, 2023
A Framework for Secure and Effective Use of Large Language Models in Companies

Artificial intelligence
July 19, 2023
The Power of the 1-3-1 Rule

July 19, 2023
Managing Remote Projects with Todoist: A Practical Guide

July 19, 2023
Using Web Data to Generate Thousands of High Quality Sales Leads

July 19, 2023
A New Era of Co-Creation: Documenting Human-Artificial Intelligence Collaboration

Artificial intelligence
July 12, 2023
Capturing the Pulse of Public Opinion

August 24, 2023
Foundations for AI Alignment

Artificial intelligence
Medium — The New Way to Wealth

August 28, 2020
Medium — Mi predicción para el 2019 en términos de tecnología

The Unseen Teachers: How Networks Shape Our Mastery

November 10, 2023
When the world changes: we pivot

November 10, 2023
Embracing the School of Life

November 10, 2023
Meta’s Augmented Reality Glasses (Sentiment Analysis)

September 28, 2023