Getting AI to Interact with Surveys

Getting AI to Interact with Surveys

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Getting AI to Interact with a Form

In a world increasingly guided by artificial intelligence, clear communication between us and these smart systems is essential. This post sets out to clarify our conversations with AI, much like creating a common language with a friend who speaks differently. By standardizing how we present forms to AI, we're building a bridge of understanding, ensuring that our instructions are as clear as possible and that AI can process them efficiently.


This isn't just about programming AI; it's a two-way street where we learn to give better instructions that AI can naturally follow. The end goal is seamless cooperation, where AI enhances our daily activities with precision, from professional tasks to healthcare.

So, let's dive into the simple steps that will make this possible, ensuring a future where AI not only understands us better but also becomes an indispensable ally in our day-to-day life.

  • Problem Statement: A key challenge in optimizing AI for data interpretation is the communication of a form's structure in a manner that AI can easily process. Without a standardized framework, we risk encountering errors and inefficiencies.
  • Solution Explanation: I propose a structured approach to organize form data that aims to improve AI comprehension and response.
  • Why is this relevant: The move towards a structured framework is essential because the traditional form processing by AI often encounters the challenges of misinterpretation and inefficiency. With the rapid integration of AI into data management, ensuring AI can accurately interpret and interact with form data is paramount. Traditional methods may lead to inaccuracies and inconsistencies due to their unstandardized nature, hampering the overall effectiveness of data automation and analysis.
  • The framework will hopefully address: The framework will hopefully address these challenges by introducing a clear, standardized symbolic system to delineate form structures and define data fields unambiguously. This provides AI with the necessary clarity and context to process form data accurately, reduce errors, and improve the interaction between AI systems and human input. It aims to elevate the reliability and efficiency of AI in interpreting form data, which is critical for a wide array of applications, from healthcare to customer service.

Structured Input:

Through a systematic and detailed formatting strategy using symbols like [], {}, "", (), a form builder can delineate and communicate the structure, conditions, and types of data fields in a form to AI. This approach eliminates ambiguity by clearly defining each form element's purpose, conditions, and data type, thus ensuring that AI systems can interpret and interact with form data as reliably and effectively as humans. Below is a breakdown of how each symbol is utilized:

  • []: Denotes the number of the question.
  • {}: Encloses the column name, which is needed as any Form Input, is then inserted within a database. It can be Google Spreadsheet, Airtable or any other.
  • "": Holds the placeholder text or question that appears on the form.
  • (): Contains the conditions that govern when a particular field should be displayed.

Field Types:

Forms are diverse, and so are the types of data they collect. By classifying fields into types like Single Select, Multiple Select, Long Text, and more, AI can precisely interpret what it's analyzing. Understanding these field types is crucial for both structuring the form and ensuring AI accurately interprets the data. Some common field types include:

  • Single Select: Allows users to choose one option from a predefined list of choices.
  • Multiple Select: Allows users to select multiple options from a predefined list.
  • Long Text: Provides a text box for users to type in longer responses.
  • Number: Restricts the input to numerical data.
  • Checkbox: Presents a yes/no or true/false choice.
  • Email: Collects email addresses and often includes validation to ensure the correct format.
Review more advanced fields
  1. Attachment: Used to upload and attach files to records.
  2. Autonumber: Generates a unique, sequential number for each record, often used for tracking or indexing.
  3. Barcode: Allows scanning and input of barcode and QR code information via a mobile device camera.
  4. Button: Adds interactive buttons to perform actions like opening URLs or triggering scripts.
  5. Count: Tallies the number of related items or records, commonly used in relational databases.
  6. Created Time: Automatically records the date and time when a record is created.
  7. Created By: Identifies which user or collaborator created a record.
  8. Currency: Formats numerical values as monetary amounts in various currencies.
  9. Date & Time: Allows users to select dates and times with a calendar interface.
  10. Duration: For recording time spans in units like hours, minutes, and seconds.
  11. Formula: Calculates values within a record based on other fields, with a variety of possible outputs.
  12. Last Modified By: Shows which user last edited a record.
  13. Last Modified Time: Logs the latest date and time a record was changed.
  14. Linked Record: Creates connections between related records across different tables or lists.
  15. Lookup: Retrieves specific data from linked records, such as a value from a related category.
  16. Number: A general-purpose field for numeric data.
  17. Percent: Displays numbers as percentages, useful for ratios and statistical data.
  18. Phone Number: Formats numerical strings as phone numbers.
  19. Rating: Allows assigning a value as a rating, often represented visually with stars or other icons.
  20. Rollup: Aggregates data from linked records and performs calculations or displays summaries.
  21. Single Line Text: Ideal for short text entries like names or titles.
  22. URL: Holds hyperlinks, which users can click to navigate to web pages.

Importance of Predefined Answers and Conditions:

Consistency is vital. Predefined choices and conditions guide the AI, eliminating confusion and prompting relevant follow-up questions.

Example in Action: A Medical Form

Here's a practical implementation:


In this setup:

  • 26 is our question number.
  • {Sickness Rate} is the database column.
  • The choices are clearly defined for consistent AI interpretation.

Enhancing AI Insight:

A well-structured form, based on this suggested approach, has the potential to enable AI to better anticipate needs, tailor experiences, and innovate in data interaction.

Addendum: Streamlining Health Assessments with AI

To fine-tune health forms, we apply conditional logic, ensuring precise and personalized data capture. For instance:

If {Symptoms} = "Yes", include {Symptoms Details}. If "Other", specify {Other Symptoms}.

This dynamic approach allows AI to personalize health assessments, improving patient experience and care.

Conclusion: Crafting Effective Patient Reports

By selectively incorporating relevant patient information through conditional logic, we curate personalized and focused reports for healthcare providers. This targeted method enhances care quality and efficiency in medical decision-making.

Utilizing Formulas for Clarity

Why Use Formulas?

Formulas like "Concatenate" transform data into natural language, making AI communications clearer and more effective.

How We Apply Formulas:

We use "Concatenate" to merge fields, such as:

"The patient agrees to share results with their doctor at [Doctor Email]."

Which helps construct seamless narratives for AI interaction, improving the quality of communication.

In Practice:

A patient's report might read:

"The 50-year-old male patient opted for testing upon doctor's recommendation. They consent to share the outcomes with Dr. [Doctor's Name]. A detailed health profile is provided."

By using formulas, we ensure narratives are coherent, fostering better understanding and care.

Addendum: Communicating Data in Natural Language

Purpose for Natural Language Communication

The transition of structured data into natural language aims to enhance comprehension across all levels of form interaction, especially for those without technical backgrounds.

Narration of User-Responses

Consider how a typical response might be transformed into natural language:

"Our user, identified by the age [Age] and gender [Gender], filled out the form for the purpose of [Reason], with additional comments provided under [Other Reason]. The selected options indicate a preference for communication via [Preferred Contact Method] and detail specific requirements or requests in [Special Requests].

If more information is provided ([More Info] = "True"), the user has included details like employment status [Employment Status], hobbies [Hobbies], and travel history [Travel History].

Further details ([Additional Info] = "True") highlight preferences in service [Service Preferences], feedback on previous experiences [Past Feedback], and additional comments [Other Comments]."

Conclusion of Addendum

By converting form data to a narrative format, we make the information accessible to any individual, enhancing the usability of data and fostering more intuitive interactions.

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